IEC – International Engineering Consortium

    The International Engineering Consortium (IEC) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1944 with the mission of bringing academia and industry together create more opportunities to continue education in the electronics industry. The International Engineering Consortium is a bigger factor in the growth of the electronics industry than ever before, and as the electronic needs of the world increase and change, The International Engineering Consortium works to keep engineering professionals up to date on the latest technology.

    The University Program offered by the International Engineering Consortium awards grants to professors and students so that they may attend the International Engineering Consortium Forums. These forums instruct professors on how they can expand the material that they teach while teaching students about all of the opportunities that await them in their future careers in the information industry. Those who attend the forums must fill out a questionnaire which is published in the University Program Annual Report and circulated to sponsors of the program.

    The International Engineering Consortium manages the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association, which has the mission of sharing information, assessing the needs of the information industry, and finding new directions for the industry to explore. This organization spans two hundred and seventy universities and is composed of department chairs and heads of departments that offer accredited degree programs in computer engineering or electrical engineering.

    The International Engineering Consortium also offers the International Engineering Consortium Fellowship Award, which was established in 1994 and recognizes and rewards those who are pioneers in the information industry. These fellows are instrumental in the creation of technology that is used every day. For students, professors, and professionals in the information industry that are eager to learn more, becoming involved in one of the International Engineering Consortium’s programs could be an exciting opportunity to do so.